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My Gift to You

A 1 Hour Yoga Class - Moon Flow

There are those days when all feels light and easy, like a cool breeze on a warm summers day...but let’s get real, who wakes up every single day feeling that  glow... sounds a bit idealistic, no?

It’s true, we can’t always control how we’re going to feel, HOWEVER - what we CAN control are our intentions for how we WANT to feel. That’s why my daily mantra is Get Up + Glow - I know the power in setting this intention for myself, and how it can help me to shift into that state. If my intention is to get up and feel light and open and breezy - what steps can I take every day to support myself in feeling that way?


let me show you how...


Start with this moon flow yoga practice ~ and I’ll continue to share powerful tools and resources that keep you aligned with your intentions for how you want to feel + be + live + love in this life. 

When you join the Get Up + Glow Tribe you'll receive tips + tools right to your inbox, members only discounts and you'll be the first to hear about exclusive offerings. Enter your email below and you'll get immediate access to your free class - just click "Yes Please!" below - and check your inbox fro the password.

with love,

Jules x

Here's a short clip of your moon flow...

Moon Flow

Join the Get Up + Glow Tribe and get immediate access to your 1 hour moon flow:

Welcome to the Get Up + Glow tribe! Check your inbox for the link and password for your free class.

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